Your Tea Party USA Rally Live Blog

Welcome fellow patriotic Americans. This is your Tea Party Rally live blog. The rally is taking place in Indianola, Iowa. It really must suck to live in Iowa during election season. Anyway, Queen Grifter Sarah Palin is expected to speak and there will be plenty of incoherent speeches and horrible entertainment in the mean time. So pull up your scooter and turn on CSPAN.

Speaking of incoherent speeches, Tea Party cofounder Charlie Gruschow just gave a ten minute speech blathering on about our communist enemies from within. Christ. No wonder the rally attendance looks so light. Even teatards are tired of this shit.

Oh Christ, Tea Party “comedian” Eric Golub. He is bitching about how much he hates living with the filth in Los Angeles. He also doesn’t appear to be telling any jokes. His rage is certainly not funny.

Hahahaha. It’s so funny, he’s talking about how they can shoot the rest of us because they all have guns. This is great material! At least his tie looks like it was picked out by a clown.

BTW, Sarah Palin is the new cross between Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. Also, the left is like Hamas and tea partiers are the Jews. Democrats are TERRORISTS!

He is referring to Obama as “The Boy.” Sweet Jesus.

The rally looks pretty small. I guess the O’Donnell/Palin mix-up put a dent in ticket sales. Also, this really looks like a Palin campaign kick-off rally. I hope Sarah doesn’t disappoint.

Another appeal for donations. EVERYBODY DRINK!

Dance break. Jesus, this is awful.

For those without CSPAN, here’s what you’re missing:

Aww. A Barry Sotero joke. That wily usurper Obama.

OH! Tea Party wunderkind Ryan Rhodes just challenged Barry to a debate. MR. PRESIDENT YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED!

This white guy is so oppressed because people will not listened to his ill-informed ideas. Also, just because tea party people show up carrying assault rifles at city council meetings doesn’t mean we get to call them terrorists.

American exceptionalism. Zzzzzzzz…….

Hahahahaha. He is talking about the freedom to fail. This is some kind of super irony that is blowing my mind.

Why are the socialists banning this patriot’s song????

Forgive me for posting this:

My sincere apologizes to Ted Nugent. I take back all the bad things I have said about you. At least Wango Tango rocked.

And now a lengthy infomercial for Palin. Jesus, can we make it through her actual speech?

I’m sorry, but I do have give SP credit for really knowing how to present her girls. However, that fucking voice ruins it all.

My roommate is in the other room screaming “show your tits” at SP. This is the best part of the rally so far for me.

She just exaggerated the unemployment rate by 150%. She is never good with the facts, is she?

Ugh. The tea party is part of “noble American tradition.” Like the know-nothings?

They found brown people in the crowd! Go CSPAN!

I love how “they” are ruining America. For the Tea Party American voters are never at fault for any of this even though they refuse to elect leaders who will actually make hard choices.

Also crony capitalism is just code for “it’s not my friends who are getting the money.”

So is Palin the anti-corporate Republican now? That’s not a great fundraising move. Social Security recipients can only be squeezed for so much.

Listening to Sarah Palin talk about economics is like watching a monkey trying to build a hydrogen bomb.

Good Raptor Jesus, that is one sad looking crowd. Most of them don’t even stand up to cheer. This may be America’s laziest political movement ever.

Most of the crowd doesn’t even look happy to be there. I wonder of they filled out the crowd with people hired from a local temp agency.

Are we running or not? STOP HOLDING OUT ON ME, BITCH!

She spent 10 minutes talking about being a renegade and then just lays put a plan of standard conservative talking points. Zzzzzz….

Guys! It’s like our priorities are all Backwards! OMG!

Please CSPAN, stop the crowd shots. It is just too unpleasant to look at these people.

Oh boy, energy sector reform. That always brings the voters out in droves. Also, we need to unrestrain the engine of prosperity, whatever the fuck that means.

She’s awfully ballsy for someone who can’t seem to hold a job.

Isn’t there a dangerous loner looking to impress an actress out there who can take care of this woman for us?

Well, she is more polished than before, but there wasn’t really anything new or interesting in that speech. I am sure the donation basket is being passed though.

The crowd seems confused about what they are supposed to do while Palin works the front row.
Sign some tits Sarah, please!

Whoever picked this music for Palin should be fired and banned from all future campaign work.


Dammit, it looks like are winding up. Hurry, get to the parking lot before there is a scooter and minivan jam!

The sad crowd and terrible entertainment was a perfect backdrop for Sarah’s rotten campaign. Good luck America, you’re going to need it.

Well, there she is guys. Your next President. I’ll see you in line at the border.

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