Jersey Shore Live Blog

I’m guest hosting tonight for OneryBabe who won’t be able to make it.

Tonight we get to see Mike and Vin in those great Italian Guido outfits! Aside from seeing Snooks get in that car accident, this is the moment I have been waiting forall season!

Commence the fist pumping! 


I’m just gonna go ahead and remind you all that I hate Ronnie’s new hair cut. And I think it was stupid for him to throw all that stuff away last week.

Did Mike sleep sitting up? What is that noise he is making?

No man that really loves me is going to wake me up early. Unless he wants me to chop his balls off.

Does he really have to sound like he’s dying? You can do other stuff besides GTL in a neck brace right?

These bitches are always eating. Do they do anything else?

What is Mike trying to do that he can’t? I’m really confused.

Mike’s injury is boring me. Let’s get to a more exciting story line please.


Yes, Snooki is using the Christine O’Donnell line of thinking.

I would ask how long till we find out Jionni is gay, but that’s insulting to the gays. What man doesn’t want to talk about sex?

And we’re back. Seems as if we went down for about a half hour. We’ve somehow missed everything and nothing all at the same time.

Oh Deena, what are you doing?

Why are these kids always breaking something?

Coming over at 4 am only to be shut down? That’s harsh, yo.

Oh look, Snooks is sleeping. Big surprise there.

But he doesn’t want to hear how badly you want his penis.

Everything’s cheese and daisies?

And that’s it folks. Until next week!

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