Christine O’Donnell: “I’m Here To Talk About My Book…So Let’s Not Talk About the Book!”

Hey, remember that anti-masturbation, pro-coven-witch Delaware Tea Party Candidate Christine O’Donnell? She ran for office and lost mostly because no one could figure out what she was talking about, and well, the whole coven witch thing? Basically she was some sort of Sarah Palin clone without the high-profile, but with all the requisite bubble-brained word mashing. Yeah well, she’s written a book about who knows…perhaps how to tend to a vegetable garden now that you’re a failed politician! She attempted to sit for an interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan until he started asking questions in line with the book’s contents and then she imploded into a thousand stupid pieces.

Here’s what happened.

Piers, who we can agree can be a bit of a sensationalist media-monger, asked O’Donnell in his live interview about issues she discusses in her book including gay marriage and DADT. O’Donnell was apparently taken aback by this line of questioning because well, how dare Piers ask her about things that she campaigned on, stated in other interviews, and discussed in her book. As he pushed for answers and O’Donnell grew more evasive, she then indicated that she felt Piers was being “rude.” He shot back and said she was being “weird” about the interview.

She even went so far to say that basically when she agreed to come on the show it was to talk about things only she wanted to talk about. Wait…what? She does know that this wasn’t a commercial, right? That if you’re going to shill for your new book about ultimately your failed attempt at politics, journalists not associated with Fox News will actually ask you questions about its contents, especially if they’ve read the book, as Piers clearly had.

Apparently sensing that the interview wasn’t going to be some glowing treatise to the stunning intellectual prose that was captured in her tome titled Troublemaker, O’Donnell takes off her mic and flounces out in a butthurt huff. Before leaving, she says she turned down another interview to be at Piers Morgan Live, and that she’s not there to “endure a rude talk show host,” but to talk about her book. Yes, uh, Christine, which discusses the items Piers brought up…so of course, TEA PARTY VICTIMHOOD REARS ITS HEAD YET AGAIN.

Piers Tweeted about the incident, which he called “my first ever walk-out in 25 years of interviews.”

“Ms O’Donnell wasn’t happy about me quizzing her re views on withcraft and sex. But really flipped at gay marriage Qs. Ripped mike and fled,” Piers wrote. “Do you think Christine O’Donnell is going to put a witch’s curse on me now?”

Here’s the interview.

She later tried to make light of the situation:

“Piers, thanks for the invite. Schedule is already packed, maybe another night. No hard feelings, you cheeky bugger,” she posted on Twitter.

Yeah, whatever, Broom Hilda.

[With The Hollywood Reporter]

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