Ahhh, Texas. Just when you think Florida and Arizona are the last bastions of deep fried insanity, along comes Texas with its own can of hobo beans.
In a story that will make you weep for humanity, officials in Dallas last week sat back and watched as thousands of desperate applicants found themselves in a human stampede to get Section 8 housing vouchers on the waiting list for Section 8 housing vouchers. More than 21,000 people applied for 5,000 vouchers. The DMN story shows how most of the people who showed up are workers with low-paying, minimum wage jobs or are older, handicapped and unable to support themselves.
But hey, this is the real American lottery! If you win, you get to stay in a crappy Section 8 apartment next to a pig anus factory. If you lose, they actually grind you up with the pig anuses.
So I was a bit miffed when the Dallas Morning News newspaper lamestream media libtard mouthpiece asked Zachary Thompson, the county’s director of health and human services, why there was such a stampede for the vouchers and why the process hadn’t been more orderly.
Thompson said he would reassess the county’s process after news reports of the stampede. He said the county did not allow people on the facility property because officials did not want overnight camping. Still, he admitted that the county could not prevent people from arriving the night before.
“This is what you have to go through,” Thompson said. “It’s like when someone wants to get tickets to a sports event or the latest iPad.”
And if you think that is fucking stupid, please do not read the comments below the DMN article. Texas is basically insane. And not in a quirky Beautiful Mind kind of way. Remember, this the place where a woman actually hit a homeless man with her SUV, drove him with him stuck in her windshield and then left him to die.