Larry Flynt is a man not unfamiliar with the experience of an overly puritan society getting all pissy with you because you wanted to take some sexy photos and show them to the public. It’s perhaps not surprising, then, that Flynt offered Anthony Weiner a job with the internet group of his Flynt Management Group, LLC just hours after the now former Congressman resigned yesterday over revelations that he too has a fondness of taking photographs of a “romantic” nature.
In the letter, published Thursday on the Huffington Post, Flynt is careful to state quite clearly that “this offer is not made in jest.” Probably a good idea to make that clear as taking a job at a porno company is probably the last thing Weiner wants to do given the nature of his scandal (which I maintain is the Most Boring Sex Scandal in History) and the fact that combined with his unfortunate surname he has already become something of a joke. Turning to a career in porno would be the cherry on the top of this comedy sundae.
Still, Flynt insists that he is geniunely interested in what Weiner could bring to his company, saying “as a Congressman, you are known for your intensity and perseverance. I believe that this attitude, combined with your service in the House of Representatives’ Committee on Energy and Commerce, will make you a valuable asset to this corporation.” Okay, Larry, just don’t put him in charge of any major decision making because if this scandal proves anything it’s that Anthony Weiner has no sound judgement when it comes to naked pics and the internet.
But what’s Weiner to do? He’s never actually held a real job (does being a congressman count? Somehow I’m not buying that as “work” experience), so where else is he going to get a job? He might consider a career in acting – he’s already been offered his first role playing himself in a guest spot on Entourage. Good to start with the easy roles and work you’re way up I suppose, but why bother? Surely there’s an idea for a reality show in here somewhere, possible titles: Unemployed Weiner? Weiner Gets Back Up? A show in which he trails a series of different careers called Weiner Jobs? Fast Food Weiner? Basically just have Weiner in the title and it’ll be a huge success.
All in all the job with Flynt might not be a bad idea, he seems to feel genuinely bad for the guy citing his scandal as a “prime example of unfounded political pressure and the hypocrisy that has invaded democracy in Washington D.C.” He’s also offering him 20% more than his congressional salary and if Weiner wants to get away from the public were better than to disappear into the executive ranks of some corporate office in Beverly Hills, although I suppose Beverly Hills is tabloid photographer central but they have such short attention spans they’ll have moved on to something else by the time Weiner takes the job.