We are all pretty much in agreement that NBC and that greedy human chin, Jay Leno, are a bunch of jerks, right? Yes, well, no one agrees more than Conan O’Brien, who probably got the shortest end of all the sticks in all the world. In this hilarious looking documentary, our chum Coco Ginger (This is a brilliant showgirl name) shows us his journey after the proverbial sh*t hit the fan.
Why be bitter and upset that a huge network just shuffled you aside like yesterday’s bologna in a warm lunch pail?No, let’s channel all that frustration into a treatise about your comeback… and basically how you’ll fight your way to the top of (TBS) with grace and integrity, something your former bosses couldn’t identify if it were a boil on their asses. Yeah, NBC, how did that 10pm Jay Leno gamble work out for ya? I’d like that guy to just drive one of his fancy cars into an elephant stampede.
Anyway, Coco, as ever, shows us why he should have been the last Late Night host standing, and we’re rooting for him…er, even if this whole TBS thing doesn’t work out.