Blogger blogs his own assault… on a blog

My favorite public policy wonk-blogger Matt Yglesias posted last night that he was attacked in D.C. while walking home from Atlantic Monthly Resident Idiot Writer Megan McCardle’s house.

I wanted to take a shortcut by walking south on North Capitol to then cut southwest on New York. But then lo and behold right by Catania Bakery a couple of dudes ran up from behind, punched me in the head, then kicked me a couple of times before running off.

Yglesias even took the opportunity to tell us what it all means. What dedication.

higher density helps reduce street crime in an urban environment in two ways. One is that in a higher density city, any given street is less likely to be empty of passersby at any given time. The other is that if a given patch of land has more citizens, that means it can also support a larger base of police officers. And for policing efficacy both the ratio of cops to citzens and of cops to land matters.

I’m sorry this happened to you, Matty. Getting punched and kicked in the head is no fun! Now you know how the rest of us feel after reading anything written by Megan McCardle.

Image via Flickr


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