The world is a little less glam today, but time and snark stop for no one.
- Do you think Aniston is already planning her 2045 interviews after Jolie dies? (Us)
- If they wait too long, Sally Draper will be leading sit-ins at one of the Seven Sisters when we get back to business. (Celebitchy)
- What is the best color for vom in the Crayola 64-pack? (Us)
- Good news! You can write the word “gay” on Wal-Mart’s site now. I’ve been waiting years to write some pithy bon mots on the customer reviews for “Brokeback Mountain.” (Bilerico)
- He’s really milking the attention thing. (Dlisted)
- Tears of a Spice Girl. (Lainey)
- We should all be arrested. (Celebitchy)
- Aren’t we done with these people yet? No? Well then, Snooki found my bathing suit from 1993 and it fits her only slightly worse than it did me. (The Superficial)
- Sans boobs, the Double Decker is kinda…meh. (The Superficial)
- I really want #17 to read, “…because learnin’ English has been so much fun. Y’all.” (Us)
- I love that Ellen and Chord are each modeling different eras of Bieber hair.