Hey all you bakers and baker-wannabes!! Quick reminder for you to brave the grocery store today and get 2 pounds of flour (!), eggs, milk, sugar, and butter (I get the Kerrygold UNsalted – it’s freaking delicious). Then find a big mixing bowl and your rolling pin, and a couple of cookie sheets. Oh, and make sure you have saran wrap. That’s it! Oh wait, if you want filled, get some jams or whatever. Don’t get the cheap crap, get something a bit pricey that has sugar and not HFCS.
Croissant is not that difficult, but it is time-consuming and a little bit moody depending on the weather. Those of us in Cali are going to have a time of it I tell you, what with all the rain.
So tune in tomorrow at around noon-ish pacific time. I’ll be sortof liveblogging the prep with cell phone pics of the mess. You can post your questions in the comments and I’ll do my best to help you through. The full recipe is down the main page if you lost it.
Come bake with Stabby! Your xmas dinner will thank you.
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