QOTD: How #YOLO #BALLER are you?

time_travelYou’re in a movie theater, or you’re giving a presentation at work, and a portal to the past opens up near you. Maybe it’s back to the 1980’s, or the 1880’s, or the 1280’s. If you had the chance, would you jump in, not knowing if you could return to our time?

Since you’re thinking about whether you would go or not, what are your criteria for making the decision? If you go back to the 1980’s, you have no Internet, probably no cellphone, and if your livelihood depends on your skills with technology, how would you support yourself?

If the portal goes farther back in time, you might have concerns about sanitation, food safety, or even personal safety. Or would you forget those things and take a pell-mell leap into the past?

Keep in mind, this is a one-time opportunity. You see the portal to the past open, and you have to decide to go with whatever you have with you right then and there, or you decide to let the opportunity pass. There is no time to stock up on history books, old newspapers, anything that would give you an edge.

So. Do you shout YOLO and run towards destiny, or no?

Mechanics of Time Travel by Bob Owen, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License Mechanics of Time Travel by Bob Owen

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