The Daily Sausage – Wednesday Edition

The problems with generational wealth, exceptionally unacceptable foreign policy, Agenda 21 and one world government, the Etch-A-Sketch candidate, the Conservative Unisphere, more Voter Suppression investigations, Jon Husted continues to f**k that chicken, billionaire asshole sends out email; looks like asshole, the GOP comes full circle, and Fox News has gotten a little cocky.

Welcome to the Daily Sausage.

First up, some great analysis on the Presidential debate from Tugg Josh Romney:

 “I don’t know if you guys saw the debate last week,” Josh Romney said, as the crowd cheered and applauded. “I take a lot of pride in that, because — I don’t know if you noticed, but I was — me and my brothers were responsible for my dad doing so well…

“So as a father, he learned how to debate an obstinate child. We had a lot of fun, we had a lot of fun watching the debate.”

Just a note there Tugg Josh: you’re referring to the President of the United States as “an obstinate child”. Were the president not made of sterner stuff, he’d have you blown off the face of the Earth with an “accidental” drone strike, because he can do that now.

Here’s the truth: the children of wealthy parents never appreciate that wealth as much as their parents did, because they didn’t build it.

Mitt Romney does not appreciate the benefits his father’s success has afforded him. If George Romney had been an auto worker instead of an auto executive, it’s highly unlikely we’d have ever heard about Mitt Romney at all.

Tugg Josh Romney does not appreciate the benefits his father’s success have afforded him either. If Mitt Romney, buoyed by his father’s success, was not running for President, no one would give a single shit, much less two, what Tugg Josh Romney thinks about anything at all.

Tugg Josh Romney is an arrogant little shit who seems to think he and his brothers are somehow responsible for prepping a Presidential candidate for a debate with the President.

Jebus, I can’t wait for Obama to kick Romney’s ass all over the stage on foreign policy.

Speaking of Mitt’s foreign policy, let’s talk about that for a bit.

Mitt Romney wants to increase military spending to the highest levels in American history. Why? Probably because Mitt Romney, with the guidance of his Neocon handlers, appears to be dead-set on starting wars with Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, or at least anyone Israel points at.

Mitt wants to put Iran “on notice that the United States and our friends and allies will prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons capability”. Unless I’m mistaken, haven’t we been doing that for several months now? Like, isn’t Iran under economically crippling sanctions? What’s next, Mitt? Gonna start blowing up camels just to show the obstinate Iranians that we can?

Mitt wants to roll back the “deep and arbitrary cuts to our national defense that would devastate our military”. Nevermind the fact that HIS FUCKING PARTY VOTED FOR THEM.

Mitt thinks there’s such a thing as “effective missile defenses”. That alone should disqualify him from the Presidency.

Mitt wants to arm the Syrian rebels. Holy shitsnacks, has this guy ever read a history book? Like, anything about Afghanistan in the 80s when the CIA gave a bunch of religious fundamentalists guns to go fight a proxy war with the Russians, who in turned used those guns to establish a hard-line theocracy which eventually lead to the largest terrorist attack in history on American soil, which we had to spend billions of dollars and thousands of lives cleaning up, which we will continue to do for probably another ten years because Afghanistan is fundamentally ungovernable by anyone?

Of course, what should I expect from the nominee of a political party that enshrined a crackpot conspiracy theory in their party platform?

All of this is leading to the inevitable shaking of the Romney Etch-A-Sketch. It’s clear that Severely Conservative and 47% Romney wasn’t working, so now it’s time for Medacious Liar Romney, a strategy apparently wholly endorsed by his family.

See, Mitt needed to put up the Severely Conservative face for a couple months until he dug himself into a hole he was in danger of being utterly unable of getting out of, at which point his suitably pacified base gave him permission to move to the center to capture the thin slice of the American electorate that considers choosing a breakfast cereal to be beyond their decision making ability, much less the President of the United States.

All of this comes together in what I like to call the Conservative Unisphere, in which things are wrong until they’re not, facts are biased unless they support your position, and critical thinking has been replaced by talking points. Ed from Gin and Tacos just calls is consistent confusion.

However, Conor Friedersdorf has a different thought: conservatives preach diversity of thought without practicing it.

It is now possible for a child to go to a conservative pre-school, elementary school, middle school, and college, then be hired to a conservative think tank, marry a fellow conservative, have conservative kids, and live out their retirement drooling along to Fox News. The Unisphere is fully operational.

So, what’s next? Will conservatives withdraw entirely from public institutions, setting up a second Conservative America inside Actual America, consisting of entirely conservative institutions? Will there be Conservatives Only signs in restaurant windows?  How far does this go?

Of course, all this may be moot if the GOP steals this election.

New Mexico Attorney General Gary King has launched an investigation into Republican officials giving volunteer poll watchers false information about state election law. You go, Gary!

Meanwhile, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted has vowed to take his case to the Supreme Court, four weeks before the election. Eat a dick, Jon.

And now for our latest entry in “Thin Skinned Galtian Overlords”.

Billionaire CEO David Siegel, owner of Westgate Resorts, sent out an email to all his employees threatening them with fewer jobs, less benefits, and less opportunities if President Obama wins reelection.

Siegel, meanwhile, is building a 90,000 square foot home inspired by Versailles.

I have but one question: have you no shame? I mean, it’s obvious you have neither taste nor class, but really?

In further evidence the Republican party has come completely full circle from its roots as the Abolitionist party started by Abe Lincoln, here’s Arkansas State Representative Loy Mauch asking what’s so bad about slavery:

If slavery were so God-awful, why didn’t Jesus or Paul condemn it, why was it in the Constitution and why wasn’t there a war before 1861? The South has always stood by the Constitution and limited government. When one attacks the Confederate Battle Flag, he is certainly denouncing these principles of government as well as Christianity.

I don’t know when Abraham Lincoln’s Republican Party ceased to exist. If I had to guess, I’d guess about 1964 or so. This isn’t even Barry Goldwater’s Republican Party. This is Richard Nixon’s Republican Party.

Meanwhile, Fox News is predicting Romneymania will sweep the country, awarding him all the swing states.

To quote the great Brian Cox: “I’ll believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbert.”

Also: “I swear to God, I’ll pistol whip the next person that says “shenanigans”.”

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