The Daily Sausage – Thursday Edition

Landfall, Rand Paul is not his father’s son, John McCain and the GOP’s foreign policy amnesia, useful information, lies, damn lies, and factchecking, and the last stand of the angry white man.

Welcome to the Daily Sausage.

First up, Doghouse Riley has a wonderful summary of the RNC so far from his perspective.

I mean, this is the Republican pitch, now? Not rags to riches, but black lung and an early grave with the slim hope that your grandchild, who wouldn’t be caught dead doing actual work, will, if he manages to score some taxpayer largess, get to make up shit about how noble you were to work yourself to death for Mr. Peabody so he’d have enough money to fight the Clean Air Act that some of it would splosh on Rick Santorum?

To the GOP, the only way to save America is to drag it back to the 1920’s and eliminate every progressive achievement since the fall of the Robber Barons.

By the way, if you were hoping that Rand Paul, the Son of Crazy Uncle Liberty(!) was planning on riding in to save the day, you’d better think again.

Much like Mitt Romney took the absolute wrong lessons from his father’s defeat, Rand embraces the psychopathy of his party without any of the libertarian views that made his father such a polarizing and popular figure.

Rand Paul is just another politician, and not even a good one at that. The Ron Paul Revolution is dead. Long live the Ron Paul Revolution.

The GOP trotted out decaying corpse John McCain, who may not be dead on the outside but is almost assuredly dead on the inside, as well as unconvicted war criminal Condoleeza Rice for a trot around the foreign policy block, conveniently glossing over the actual history of the last ten years.

And god forbid anyone mention who killed Bin Laden.

Ed from G&T has useful information when parsing events from both National Conventions: everybody’s drunk.

I don’t know what Fox News was thinking when they hired Sally Kohn, because she wrote among the more devastating hit pieces I’ve seen on Paul Ryan.

On the other hand, to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to facts, Ryan’s speech was an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single political speech. On this measure, while it was  Romney who ran the Olympics, Ryan earned the gold.

Genuinely worth a read. Just don’t click or even look at anything else.

While we’re talking about Lying Fucks and their Fucking Lies, let’s bring Ryan and Rice back around for A Tale Of Two Speeches.

Rice, who has the blood of thousands of American soldiers and even more Iraqis and Afghanis on her hands, is slick and charming and even invokes the specter of Southern racism which her party so willingly embraced as soon as it became electorally wise to do so.

Ryan is Sarah Palin in a bad suit.

ThinkProgress tried fact-checking everything everyone said last night. Not one speaker could go more than three minutes without telling a lie.

At the end of the day, the GOP is doomed and they know it.

David Bositis: “This Republican Party base is white, aging and dying off,”

Yup. So, what’s the plan for making the GOP relevant to anyone that’s not old and white?

Respondents were asked an open-ended question: Why do most black voters so consistently support Democrats?

Though “don’t know” was the top answer for members of both parties, a close second among Republicans was that black voters are dependent on government or seeking a government handout. Democrats more often said that their party addresses issues of poverty.

How does the GOP respond to Republican Political Consultant Raynard Jackson, who says:

I am embarrassed at the lack of diversity at this convention. Have the Republicans not noticed the demographic changes that are taking place in this country? Numerically, there are not enough old, white, balding males to win a national election.

The GOP is a zombie party, shambling and staggering until it’s blown away or finally decomposes into nothing. Much like a zombie, however, the question is how much damage can it cause before taking a shotgun shell to the cranium.

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