Strangely Sexy Movies

To mark the Blu-ray release of Nine 1/2 Weeks, Flavorwire did a great post about films that approach eroticism in an unconventional way. Head over there to check out the ten films in their list. Then hit the jump to read my pick and give yours. Slightly NSFW image ahead.

Portuguese director João Pedro Rodrigues has made a name for himself as a queer arthouse director who has a knack for exploring the darkest recesses of gender and sexual identity in a unique, bold way. His most recent feature, Morrer Como um Homem (To Die Like A Man), explores trans-identity, but it’s his debut feature, O Fantasma (Phantom) that I think fits with Flavorwire’s piece. A frequently dialogue-free meditation on lust and alienation, O Fantasma follows lonely, horny garbage collector Sérgio through Lisbon’s streets late at night. The film’s sex scenes are erotic (and indeed quite explicit) but are clouded by the emptiness that follows Sérgio through to the story’s strange, unraveled conclusion.

What’s your pick?

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