Angry Dad Argues with Daughter via YouTube, Brings His Gun

It is no big secret teenagers tend to be nightmares. Tommy Jordan’s 15-year-old daughter Hannah is not an exception. Upset at how absolutely normal-sounding terrible her life is, Hannah posted an open letter to her parents on Facebook. Believing she had blocked her parents from seeing the letter, Hannah was in for a surprise when her genius of a father discovered her post.

The letter reads the way you expect a letter from a teenager would. She is mad she has to do chores. She does not like feeling unappreciated. Her younger brother does not let her sleep in. They have a cleaning lady (who is not actually a cleaning lady, but a friend of the family’s), so why should Hannah clean up after anyone? There are a few curse words sprinkled in there, but overall, it sounds like the normal rantings of a 15-year-old brat. It is annoying and definitely disrespectful, but not really the type of letter that should warrant a response with a gun.

However, Tommy busted out his best chair and filmed himself reading the letter aloud and then his response. After he finished his tirade, he took out his .45 and put nine rounds into the laptop, telling his daughter he hoped she’s enjoyed “her little fiasco on Facebook.”

So, what’s the takeaway here, Tommy? When you can’t figure out a way to effectively deal with your daughter you should just shoot stuff up? Guns and intimidation solve all problems? Got it.

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