Things You Can Now Do If You Take Your Multivitamins

My good internet friend sent me a link to this story and, like all news stories on the internet, I briefly scanned it, barely digested what it was about, and started making jokes about it in my head.

The story seems to be about a study that has found there’s a correlation between taking multivitamins, feeling a sense of invulnerability, and doing risky and/or stupid things.

Because I have a terrible attention span (thanks internet) and poor reading comprehension (thanks California public schools), here’s my reaction to the story. A list of all of the things I think you should do if you take multivitamins.*

  1. Jump off the roof. You can totally fly. I promise.
  2. Eat that brownie. No, not that one. The one with the frosting. Yup. That’s the one.
  3. Get the nice hoppy IPA.
  4. Everyone knows it’s the third cup of coffee that does the trick.
  5. Screw sleep, you need to watch EVERY SINGLE EPISODE OF THE GUILD RIGHT NOW.
  6. Do you want to wake up early and jog? Or do you want to stay in bed and cuddle with your dog/cat/lover?
  7. Make that mac & cheese with 5 different kinds of cheeses. Trust me, it’s soo much better.
  8. If you’re going to have a glass of red wine after dinner, you might as well just finish the bottle.
  9. I’m sorry, two pieces of bacon? What are you? A monster? Vegan? The serving size is just a suggestion. And it’s a bad one.
  10. Waiting until the third date to have sex is so old-fashioned. You’re taking multivitamins! You’re like a slutty goddess! Have sex before the first date!

*Please do not do these things. Unless you really, really want to.

(Sorry vegans.)

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