Six Reasons Why You Should Watch Community

Community is probably, hands-down, my favorite show in the universe right now. (Doctor Who doesn’t count since it exists in multiple universes inside my head.) Not enough people have watched the greatness that is this show in the last two years and so I’d like to give you a few reasons to start watching it, this Thursday night, September 22nd, 8/7 c.

  1. Community is actually weird. It’s not stick-a-hot-chick-in-glasses-and-pretend- that-makes-her-weird weird. It’s weeeeeeeeeird. They go all-out for jokes and all of a sudden everyone’s in claymation fighting in a mafia war over chicken fingers with paintballs. For some, this is a reason to not watch, and those people are terrible and old-fashioned because a half-hour sitcom that isn’t afraid to be actually weird is refreshing and hilarious.
  2. The weirdness does not come at the expense of story. There’s still character growth, and plot, and somehow it magically all happens realistically, despite the heightened reality of the show, in 22 minutes.
  3. According to Splitsider, Community is a great illustration of the Dan Harmon School of Comedy Writing, and just reading that makes me feel smarter, and lends a different shade to the first two bullets.
  4. If you like eye candy: Alison Brie, ladies and gentlemen. Alison Brie. The fact that a reference to this story is used as a bit of a throwaway joke by Alison Brie’s character, Annie, in an episode about sex education. Or maybe you prefer Donald Glover.
  5. The fact that the show referenced a weird Jeff/Annie shipper YouTube video set to Gravity by Sara Bareilles. By pointing out, rightfully, that you literally can splice any scenes to any sappy love-song to make the case for any ridiculous pairing on a television show.  Since literally 75% of my YouTube watching focuses on watching Gossip Girl shipper videos that do JUST EXACTLY THAT to varying degrees of sense, this kind of makes  my life a little brighter. It’s a TV show that is a commentary on the things that make a TV show and the way that we interact with TV shows now that we have the internet, and it is still hilarious.
  6. Charlie Sheen is not in this show.

Bonus Reason: If you start watching Community, I will like you.

Image: Wiki

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