QOTD: What Was Your First Concert?

Everyone remembers their first ‘real’ concert.  The one that took place in an arena, stadium, or at least a decent sized theater.  Not the one that took place in the concourse at the mall.  That doesn’t count, and you know it.

No, the first real concert is an unmistakable experience.  For me, it involved piling into my grandfather’s ’77 Pontiac Grand Prix, making the two hour trip to Star Lake Ampitheater in Pittsburgh, and taking in Van Halen on their ‘Balance’ tour.  Okay, so it was Sammy Hagar era Van Halen, and I was 15, so my father was the one who accompanied me, because, secretly, he wanted to see Van Halen as well.  However, I got to test out my driving on the freeway chops, and despite my feelings about Sammy Hagar, I remember it being a high energy, loud, professional show.  Even if I had to endure such songs as “Can’t Stop Loving You” (seriously, watch a video of Hagar signing “…Loving You” from around that era, he looks like Michael fucking Bolton), they offset it with enough “Panama” and “Jump” to satisfy the 12-year old inside of me that remembered roller skating to those songs. Yes, I had nostalgia at 15, so what?

What do you guys remember about your first concert?

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