Crass Classic – Life Lessons: Divorce in Movies Didn’t Prepare Me for Divorce in Real Life

In the early days, Crasstalk was a backwater with few visits but so many great things to share.  To help bring some of those early posts to light we present Crasstalk Classic.  Our latest classic post goes all the way back to November 2010 when NoDebutante shared how life doesn’t always work out like the movies.

I might have mentioned once or twice that I’m going through a divorce.  As of today, I am officially divorced.  Given my family’s track record of marriages for life, this is a status I never thought I’d achieve.  In fact, as a child, I learned most everything I knew about divorce from the film Irreconcilable Differences.  I was only slightly older than Casey, the child played by Drew Barrymore, and didn’t give much thought to the story beyond halfheartedly wishing we had a Mexican housekeeper with whom I could live when I didn’t like my parents anymore.  This didn’t come to pass.

I have to say, though, that my divorce didn’t quite pan out the way I thought it would, given all the cinematic depictions of marital strife and divorce I’ve seen through the years.  Here, for you, is the difference between how I thought it would go and how it really went down.

We started out something like this:
Happy New Couple

Then, 12 years, to the day, after we met, trouble:
Trouble at Home

How I hoped marriage therapy would work:
Yay, therapy is working!

How therapy turned out:
No, you are more wrong than I am.

How I thought I’d react to the breakup:
Take that!

What is more realistic:
But why?

On film, the first man you get to sleep with after your husband:
Yay, sexy Frenchman!

One of these is more realistic:
Guys on dating websites

Post-divorce, how might I turn out?  Possibly this:
Screw men!

Or this:
Screw men!

But I’m hoping for this:
Ah, balance...

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