Koch Brothers: The HPV of Republican Politics

Man! Those Koch Brothers infect everything Republicans touch!

Wart #1 and Wart #2

Speaker Boehner recently replaced Nancy Pelosi’s “Green the Capital” program that transitioned the congressional food services into using only biodegradable food and drink containers in the congressional eateries.

Science makes him sad.

What did he replace the biodegradable materials with? Expandable polystyrene foam. A.K.A. Styrofoam. You know, that stuff never, ever, ever biodegrades. Ever.

Who is supplying Congress with their coffee cups and to-go boxes that will be poisoning landfills long after human stupidity has resulted in our ejection from this planet?

WinCup, a company owned by former Koch Industries executive George

Koch Industries, the cancer causing wart that continues to taint the Republican agenda.

Do they make Styrofoam knee pads?

Link: Wurtz.

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