Happy Friday Crassholes! I went to happy hour with some tasteless friends today, so I thought I would share the mood. Let’s see who can get fired and/or divorced over what they post tonight. Continue reading
Good morning. Hope you had a great weekend, and are ready for another fun week around here. A special thanks to everyone who participated in the Writer’s Workshop. I am going to leave the thread open, so please feel free to use it as a place to discuss ideas with each other. All right, let’s get to work.
By the way, this video is the reason the Internet was invented.
Message from Bens:
Hey guys, I need your help designing a single webpage that can be displayed when the site is down for maintenance. A .jpg is cool, if you can embed it in to just a page of html, even cooler. Graphics of The Honey Badger taking a cobra venom nap, etc would be rad. Post em here, or send them to me via email. You can find my email under my profile page. We still might have an outage or two, but they won’t last more than 5 mins at a time. Thanks!