
3 posts

Did Kathryn Stockett Help Herself to the Nanny’s Story?

A Hinds County, Mississippi Circuit Court Judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Kathryn Stockett as it was filed after the statute of limitations had run out. The suit claims that the author used the likeness and the life story of her brother’s nanny to write The Help without permission. The judge who dismissed the suit did not comment on the claim’s merits. Continue reading

“Pill Mill” Doctor Sues Family of Overdose Victim

A Nevada physician accused of over-prescribing pain killers has went on the attack against litigious patients and is suing the family of an overdose victim who was under his care. In a report for ProPublica, reporter Marshall Allen details a lawsuit filed by Dr. Kevin Buckwalter from Henderson, Nevada against the parents of one of his patients for filing an action against him after their daughter’s death. The lawsuit is unusual, and it represents a departure from the usual strategies that doctors take in the face of malpractice lawsuits. Continue reading

NJ Man Sues Over 4Loko Induced Heart Problems

Some wimp in Knowlton Township, NJ is suing the makers of Four Loko because he claims to now have heart arrhythmia after drinking a mere 2.5 cans of the magical elixir.  It is a well known fact that Four Loko can induce visions of Leprechauns, but only a nincompoop would drink 2.5 cans without getting a complete physical first.  Light weight.  Try to explain to the boys down at the tire shop why you’re suing instead of manning up and having another one.










From SF Gate.