
3 posts

Recipe Sunday: Kale, Parsley and Basil Pesto

Do you know what’s delicious? Olive oil, parmesan, nuts, lemon and a lot of black pepper. Oh, and something green in the mix too.

Last week I was talking to my mother on the phone, when she happened to mention that my cousin had made kale pesto for the family over the weekend. I promptly filed that away in my head as “something I’d like to try.” Continue reading

Recipe Sunday: Spicy Sesame Kale Slaw

The first time I made this salad was the 4th of July. I’d nearly forgotten the holiday because my husband was at work and I was cleaning and paying bills.

The most festive thing that happened before the salad, was a Raising Hope marathon.

If there’s any show that makes me laugh harder than Raising Hope, I can’t think of it. The show is so funny that I woke myself up laughing one morning while sleep-remembering this dialogue: Continue reading