Jimi Hendrix

2 posts

The 15 Greatest Road Trip Songs of All Time

Freddie King is a rock god and you will bow down

I love road trips so much, but is there anything worse than the friend who brings along a wack-ass mixtape for the ride? With Labor Day weekend coming up and my own personal road trip in the works, I sat down to put together a playlist of the 15 Greatest Road Trip Songs of All Time.  Continue reading

QOTD: If You Could Turn Back Time, If You Could Find A Way

Whether you’re 16, 36 or 60, there will have been many moments in your life when you’re reading a book, watching a TV show or a movie or staring down at the ruins of a lost civilization and thinking to yourself “whoa man, I wish I could have seen that, daddio!” (Note for 16 year olds: “daddio” used to be cool slang. Ask your Dad).

So, if you were granted the ability to go back in time (whether this is by means of a time machine, magic or an angel is up to you and your belief system) to observe 5 things but without the ability to interfere or change anything, what 5 things would you choose? Continue reading