half-season report

2 posts

Baldwin’s NBA Half Season Report: The East Edition

Hello everybody, and welcome to the Eastern Conference half of the half-season NBA review. The Western Conference part can be found here and I must say that the last week’s results have only solidified the opinions I gave on the West. Especially Spurs over Clippers and the two big wins for Golden State over quality opposition. Continue reading

Baldwin’s (Almost) Half-Season NBA Report: The West Edition

(A quick note from Bots: Baldwin’s post is only tangentially related to the Denver Nuggets’ old 90s logo but I always liked its Disco Tetris vibe, so we’re using it!)

With all teams having played between 28 and 32 out of the 66 games they will play in the compressed 123 day regular season, and time ticking down to the trade deadline, it’s a good time to take a look at where each team is, the answered questions, the unanswered questions, and maybe take a sneaky peek towards the playoffs. Continue reading