Short Stories

23 posts

Got Any Good Memorial Day Stories to Tell Us?

As a Canadian who has only lived in the U.S for the past ten years, I confess it took me a while to get my head around the significance of Memorial Day.

My first Memorial Day story is this: I was walking through a small suburban mall-plaza type area in Anaheim. I turn a corner, and whammo! coming towards me is a platoon of immaculately dressed soldiers. In formation, marching precisely along. Continue reading

The Funeral: A Feel-Good Story

White flower photo by Carol Browne via Flickr

When my grandmother died, I was in law school.

And I was busy: My first trial (really an administrative hearing) was scheduled for the following week. I had to make a decision about whether to stay at school and file the necessary court briefs on time — or else go to the funeral and file late. I decided to file late. This was not the ideal way to represent my client. But I had the blessing of my clinic instructor because of the circumstances. And of course I had everyone’s sympathy too. Continue reading