Open Threads

3176 posts

Saturday Night’s All Right for Fighting Open Thread

Good evening Crasstalk. Hope you had a great day.

The battle over collective bargining rights heated up today in Wisconsin as Tea Party activists protested to support the budget bill that would limit union power. This should end well.

The Libyan government has cut off internet service in the country as demonstrations continued. Four protesters were killed yesterday.

Two West Virginia men were arrested after police discovered hundreds of containers of stolen beef jerky in their car during a traffic stop. The men were apparently going to sell the jerky to finance a trip.

Have a great night, and try not to act the fool.

Lazy Afternoon Open Thread

Welcome. Hope you are actually enjoying a lazy afternoon. I am here in DC visiting friends. Luckily for us, my friends sons (Jack age 9 and Colin age 6 3/4) are very excited that I am putting something on an actual website and have decided they want to help. They took my camera and made these pictures just for you.

This is the first thing Jack ran to take a picture of. He is very happy with how the light turned out.

This is a more complicated piece (notice the strong work with shadows).

This is Colin’s picture of his little friend next door.

This is actually a really nice shot from Colin. Pretty good for 6 and 3/4.

Ok, we are off to play Lego Star Wars now, which does look pretty excellent. Have a great afternoon and may the force be with you.

Saturday Morning Cartoons

Good morning (or afternoon if you are single). Hope your weekend is off to a good start and you get some time to relax today.

I am staying with friends this weekend and ready for some serious cartoon time with two of my favorite elementary-aged boys. They learned long ago that crazy Aunt GI will let them eat cupcakes for breakfast and watch the really awesome cartoons dad won’t.
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Ghost Stories Open Thread

Good evening, my friend. It has been a few days since I have posted a conspiracy/paranormal/creepy overnight thread so here we go.

Did you know that UFOs were actually created by Nikola Tesla and that the CIA and Yahoo are covering it up. The proof is right here on this great 90s looking website.

Speaking of bad website design, I would be remiss if I didn’t give you at least one Reptilians link. See, Crasstalk doesn’t look so bad now, does it? Protip: The worse the website, the more epic the conspiracy theory.

Did you know that Stephen King shot John Lennon, and that Richard Nixon helped him cover it up? Now you do. You’re welcome.

Want more? Here’s a whole YouTube channel of creepy videos:

Sleep tight and watch out for the visitors.

Friday Night Open Thread Chaos

WhoooHooo! It’s Friday night. Hopefully you will have a chance to relax and wind down from the week.  Today is national Drink Wine Day.  We all hate conforming, so screw that.

Here is how you make a Manhattan, which is my favorite cocktail.

What you need:
1 ounce rye whiskey
1 ounce sweet vermouth
1 ounce dry vermouth< Lemon twist for garnish What you do with it: Chill a martini glass in the freezer. Place ice in a cocktail pitcher or shaker. Pour whiskey and sweet and dry vermouths into the shaker or pitcher. Shake or stir to mix. Strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a twist of lemon. (Note: The Grand Inquisitor prefers a maraschino cherry to lemon, and she pours just a little of the juice in with the vermouth. It makes it a grown up version of a Roy Rogers).

Don’t drink? Make one of these, they are tasty and easy.

What you need:
2 oz peach nectar
chilled sparkling cider
What you do with it: Pour the peach nectar into a Champagne flute. Slowly add the Cider. Smile knowing you won’t have a hangover tomorrow.

Have a wonderful evening.

It’s Almost Happy Hour Open Thread

Good afternoon. I know from our site stats that this is the time of day when most of you stop in to waste time at work. Welcome. Please open an excel spreadsheet that you can quickly switch to when your boss walks by. In honor of the President’s Day weekend here is some presidential trivia.

• George Washington was the only president who did not represent a political party.

• James Madison was the first president to wear trousers rather than knee breeches.

• John Quincy Adams regularly swam nude in the Potomac River. The first American professional journalist, Anne Royall, knew of Adams’ 5:00 a.m. swims. After being refused interviews with Adams many times, she went to the river, gathered his clothes and sat on them until she had her interview. Before this, no female had interviewed a president.

• Andrew Jackson was the first American president to experience and survive an assassination attempt. Jackson was at the Capitol when an unemployed house painter fired a pistol at him. The pistol misfired. The would-be assassin drew a second pistol, which also misfired.

•William Henry Harrison delivered the longest inaugural address, and was the first president to die in office, about 32 days after elected. On March 4, he gave a 105 minute speech and did not wear an overcoat or hat. He developed pneumonia and died in the White House exactly one month after giving his speech, on April 4.

• Chester A. Arthur was nicknamed “Elegant Arthur” because of his fashion sense.

Have a great weekend. I will be celebrating in Washington DC because I love America more than you and I don’t want the terrorists to win.

Friday Morning Open Thread

Good morning lovlies. Hope that you had the sweetest of dreams and are ready to face the day. I am traveling this weekend, so I will give you three stories from the magazines I only have time to read when I am sitting on an airplane.

The Atlantic takes a look at video games inspired by great literature. Apparently, the Great Gatsby is pretty good, but Dante’s Inferno was kind of disappointing.

Scott Horton at Harper’s investigates the case of a US consular officer being held for shooting 2 men in Pakistan. Raymond Davis was traveling on a diplomatic passport in the country, but his Special Forces background suggests he was doing intelligence work.

Damn I love The Economist. Here is their fantastic analysis about the past few weeks of protests and change in the Middle East and North Africa. The article is excellent and the other people on the plane will think you are smart because you have a copy of The Economist.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Late Night Open Post: Bark at the Moon

Protests in Wisconsin in opposition by public service employees continue tonight as 3800 state workers were joined by students from the University of Wisconsin. The demonstrations have spread to Ohio and union leaders are calling for a national fight.

The Army has moved in and taken control of  Manama, the capital of Bahrain. Four people were killed  yesterday in clashes with riot police.

Conspiracy nut Alex Jones just released a new video. He is ready to save you from the impending police state. Best line: “In my 16 years of doing deep research…”

Buy gold and start hoarding your ammo.

Your Happy Morning Open Thread

Well good morning, sleepy head. Thanks for dropping by. Here is some breakfast related news to provide you with a nutritious start to your day.

Attention promiscuous teens. A new study suggests that teen mothers who eat breakfast have healthier eating habits overall. The study also suggest teen mothers who eat breakfast promote healthier eating habits for their kids.

Contrary to rumors that he is in ill health, Hosni Mubarak was seen having breakfast on the beach of his private resort yesterday. The interim government is reportedly shocked by the amount of corruption and graft they have uncovered since Mubarak’s departure.

Also yesterday, Miley Cyrus had breakfast with her mom. I am not sure why this is important.

Have a wonderful day.