
15 posts

The Repeal of DADT: Report from the Front Line

The United States Army has launched a new website to keep Soldiers and their families up to date with the ongoing implementation of the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell:

I’ve had an insider’s view of this process. I was in Afghanistan during the run up to the repeal of DADT this past fall, as well as the signing of the bill repealing DADT into law. After a short break (and I do mean short, but that’s a story for a different time) I found myself in Iraq and have been watching the response of my peers as the repeal has been slowly implemented. Continue reading

Album Review: Fleet Foxes Helplessness Blues

Helplessness Blues is the newest album from Fleet Foxes, released May 3rd, 2011 on the Sub Pop record label.  Helplessness Blues is the follow up to Fleet Foxes debut album, Fleet Foxes.

To get an idea of what Helplessness Blues is about, I think it’s important to understand it within the context of the critically acclaimed Fleet Foxes. Sophomore albums unfortunately carry the burden of being judged in light of their successful older brothers, and Helplessness Blues has big shoes to fill. Continue reading

Easy Rules for Making and Using Strong Passwords

China’s been up to some shenanigans this week, no?  Actually, China’s up to shenanigans every week but it doesn’t usually make the news.  Regardless, it’s a good time to review your internet security practices!  Kind of like when the neighbor’s house burns down and you go through your apartment checking all your smoke alarms and fire extinguishers for the first time in two years.

So today, let’s talk about passwords.  We all have them!  Probably far more than we’d like to have.  They’re also just about the only thing standing between us and A Great Big Bad Day.  Getting your online accounts hacked sucks.  Just ask Anthony Weiner. Continue reading

You Can Stop Thanking Me For My Service Now

Words are interesting little things.  Subtle, sometimes vague, rarely as expressive as we’d like them to be.  In fact, I imagine most of us use certain words habitually without investing much thought into what they really mean to us, or paying much attention as to how we’re deploying them to communicate our thoughts and feelings and ideas.

“Service” is one of those words that’s caught my attention of late.   It’s caught my attention because, as a member of the U.S. Army Reserve,  I’m often thanked for my service. I’m thanked  by family and friends, but even more frequently I’m thanked for my service by complete strangers when they discover that I’m in the military (and especially when they find out I’m currently deployed to Iraq).  Continue reading