memorial day

8 posts

An Open Letter to Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster

An open letter to Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, currently serving in the White House as National Security Advisor to the President of the United States.

H.R. McMaster, you should be ashamed to repeatedly stand up in front of reporters and lie for the President. You used to command the finest cavalry regiment in the US Army, a regiment I was proud to serve in for two years. Now, I am ashamed for you and the regiment every time I see you sell your soul for a president without basic human decency, judgement or probity. Continue reading

The Man Without A Country

I first heard this story in elementary school when our teacher read it aloud to us. I have never forgotten it. On Memorial Day, as you BBQ your burgers and chicken, drink your drinks and chat with your friends and family, give a moment and a prayer for all those who faithfully serve the United States and especially those who gave all they had, and all they ever will have, to her defense.

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You Can Stop Thanking Me For My Service Now

Words are interesting little things.  Subtle, sometimes vague, rarely as expressive as we’d like them to be.  In fact, I imagine most of us use certain words habitually without investing much thought into what they really mean to us, or paying much attention as to how we’re deploying them to communicate our thoughts and feelings and ideas.

“Service” is one of those words that’s caught my attention of late.   It’s caught my attention because, as a member of the U.S. Army Reserve,  I’m often thanked for my service. I’m thanked  by family and friends, but even more frequently I’m thanked for my service by complete strangers when they discover that I’m in the military (and especially when they find out I’m currently deployed to Iraq).  Continue reading