I apologize for the lateness of this final round of voting, life happens sometimes.
Now on to the main event. In the last couple of months, we have narrowed down the list of some of the most terrible people in the world to just 4 competitors. I would like to say that along the way we appear to have lost sight of the goal. The object of The Worsties was to find the single most despicable human being of the year 2017 not named Donald J. Trump. I feel like a lot of the people who made this list would fall more under a lifetime achievement category as opposed to just the year 2017. So when you are casting your final vote please try to keep that in mind. Yes, Harvey Weinstein is a terrible person but his crimes against decency go back years and years. The only reason his name is in the headlines in 2017 is that is when all of his actions started to come to light and people started to step forward.
This part is important, so please read closely before casting your vote. All 4 final competitors will be up against each other when you post your vote I would like you to rank them 1-4 with 1 being the most shitty and 4 being the least shitty. I will tally your votes in one week and using arcane and mysterious rules I will announce the “Winner”. Once the voting is over I will use social media signal boosting to get the word out. If someone other than Vladimir Putin wins this I will have a cheap ass trophy shipped to them (I am pretty sure I can find something online, maybe a box from poopsenders or something). I will not be shipping anything to Putin because I am crazy but not crazy enough to die a slow painful death from radiation poisoning.
I don’t have any clever takedowns or quips this week because I’ve pretty much said everything there is to say about these living sacks of shit who claim to be part of the human race. So, in no particular order…
Harvey Weinstein – He beat Seagal 17-0 in his final voting round, making him the worst of a bunch of truly terrible celebrities.
Vladimir Putin – Toppled Bashar Al Assad 11-6 with a single person voting tie.
Mitch McConnell – 14-2 over Paul Ryan with a couple of people abstaining or voting tie. He seriously has the creepiest smile I have ever seen.
Sean Hannity – 17-1 over James O’Keefe with a couple of ties and one ambiguous vote (They both have bloated faces) While Hannity is going to get run out of town on rails at some point I am sure O’Keefe will have many more chances to win.
Remember to rank your picks in order from 1-4 with 1 being the worst of the lot. Those of you who have been wishy-washy need to get off the fence and pick a side already.
P.S. Donald Trump was ineligible because it would have been like making a bunch of very ugly crocodiles fight Godzilla. Godzilla is going to win that one every time.