The Crasstalk Endorsement is Terribly Obvious

Admittedly, the first draft of this post read simply: ‘It’s Hillary. It has been since Memorial Day. Just stop it.’

However, for a woman who has spent 30 years in public service, withstood innumerable public inquiries into just about everything she’s ever done and run a wholly professional campaign, those words don’t even begin to deliver an endorsement with near enough emphasis. Most importantly, it bears noting that this is not merely a repudiation of the Republican nominee, no matter how thoroughly and enthusiastically the neo-confederate man-child nominated by the GOP deserves it.

This is an endorsement that comes even before the news that, surprise, the FBI once again found absolutely dick to worry about in the latest batch of emails ‘uncovered’ in their totally-not-at-all ratf*cking investigation. Instead, this is an endorsement of the work, the commitment and the policies advocated by Hillary Clinton.

There is no question that she is an imperfect candidate in the same way that there will never be a perfect candidate. Barack Obama was too conciliatory. George W. Bush was a blatant and incurious moron. Politicians are not a place to project our every want and desire. They are a vehicle by which we, as a collection of citizens, express our will. And, as an advocate for an increased minimum wage, strong action on climate change, infrastructure investment, increased gun control, affordable college education and continued improvements to the Affordable Care Act, among her many policy positions, Mrs. Clinton evidences a desire to present well-thought out policies to issues that most Americans agree need addressing.

All of this is to say that we, as a nation, find ourselves confronted with a nearly unprecedented situation in 2016. Our country is beset by inequality not seen since the Gilded Age. If we are not already at the tipping point for climate change, indications are that we are perilously close to it. And, in response to this, one of our two major political parties nominated a man who should barely be allowed access to a smart phone, let alone the country’s nuclear football. It is a time that demands a serious person, someone who has at least a track record of understanding how our system of government works and has shown a true dedication to the hard work of understanding and considering solutions to a problem.

Only one candidate for the office meets these tests. That candidate is Hillary Rodham Clinton. It has been her since at least Memorial Day 2016. It’s not a debate. Just stop.

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