Previously on Drag Race, we had big glittery balls and acted like these were all new challenges when they weren’t.
The queens come into the workroom and see that Ben DeLaCreme wrote “War and Peace” on the mirror. We have some scenes about being brutally honest, which is more about brutally honest editing.
The queens talk about a long journey but are interrupted before anything else can be said. After a lackluster Ru-Mail, Michelle Visage comes in, announcing herself as “Ben DeLaCreme.” The queens will be performing in a music video version of “Sissy That Walk” which will included dancing, acting, AND improve. There will also be a lunch with RuPaul. And in the end, someone will be eliminated.
Jamal Jims comes into the room, and Darienne’s in love. We’ll be doing “sisssyography” which looks a lot like the street jazz class I take at my gym. It’s a very gay gym. Bianca and Darienne have trouble with the choreography, but that’s nothing new.
Courtney goes to have lunch with Ru. It’s the usual tic-tac joke, though they are all in a take-out container. Ru and Courtney talk about how Courtney is incredibly talented but lack s vulnerability. She’s followed by Darienne. Ru wants to know how Darienne deals with all the negativity and Darienne talks about having a very disapproving mother. They end with an affirmation that loving yourself takes daily work.
Courtney is looking at dresses for her runway. Bianca joins in and they try and outdo each other with glamorous stuff they own. Adore feels left out.
Bianca has lunch with Ru and we get more old people jokes. Adore has lunch and talks about being raised by a single mom. I realize there are no funny tic-tac jokes, like in previous seasons.
We move to the dancing, and it’s followed by a Beyonce, treadmill, fan walk. Darienne steals one of Adore’s moves, and we probably wouldn’t have noticed if Adore hadn’t pointed it out.
The first of the two acting scenes reveals a “Fame” moment where the queens have a breakdown in front of the camera. Courtney takes her slapping scene over the top. The second scene is in the gold room and is a Nealy O’Hara type scene. Courtney has a lot of props and method acting. Darienne ends with breaking down screaming for about five minutes, which is a lot funnier than it sounds.
This is followed by another round of “let’s tell each other how much we love each other.”
Ru opens the main-stage dressed as Totally 80’s Barbie. Adore is in a mirrored skimpy dress. The judges feel that it’s a flattering outfit, and were impressed by the acting. Bianca is in a gorgeous color and the judges felt she was very funny. Courtney looks like a glittery Farrah Fawcett. The judges find it to be a flawless look. Darienne is in lots of fringe, but flat-lined until the end of the scene.
Why should you win? Adore is a superstar, Bianca has changed, Courtney is making the most of it, and Darienne reads everyone.
All the queens have to lip synch before the end. It plays out sort of the way you think, and in the end, Ru corrects the mistake from last week and Darienne goes home. Finally. Apparently, you can vote for something online, but Ru makes it clear that that’s not going to matter. Join us next week, though it looks to be a clip episode.
Image: LogoTV