George W. Bush Isn’t an Artist, and Neither Are You

Lately Al Gore’s 2004 rival has been making news for some remarkably bad pictures he painted. Hell, everybody needs a hobby.

There is something wonderful to be said about childish drawings and bad art. If you don’t want to take my word for it, take a trip to the Museum of Bad Art.

Unexpected color palettes, outlandish perspective, maladroit command of any kind of drawing instrument are just some of the things that can make a bad drawing into a bad masterpiece.

This week, I invite you to make a piece of bad art. If the word art terrorizes you, simply substitute the word crap. I suggest using your avatar image as your model, but feel free to create anything you like.

Using your favorite drawing tool, just go for it. Suppress your adult (cocktails help) and let your inner child run amok.

Some helpful tips:

  • When I’m trying to intentionally make a bad image, I set myself a two minute limit.
  • Don’t neglect your background, that paint bucket tool is there to save you time.
  • Forgot to add a detail? Just put it somewhere else, there are no rules.

If you don’t have a drawing program on your computer, you can always use whatever you have and take a photo of it. There are also online drawing tools. A great one in the spirit of MS Paint is at pixlr.

If you need a site to host your images, imgur is there for you.

Just think, you may be 120 seconds away from a new career. Pat yourself on the back and feel presidential.

Illustration by the author.

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