Continuing the journey through Cuba in photographs.
Cars, cars, every where.And Old PackardCar in Old Havana. Most of these old cars are actually just taxis for tourists.The artist Chaco.This is the plate he was holding. It costs 2500 US Dollars. You can wire payment to his Mexican checking account. He sold 6 plates that day to our group.Fidel and Che mural made from salvaged materials.Cuban movie posters. I actually had bought about a dozen and then promptly forgot them at the airport in Miami. #sadtromboneA mid century modern chandelier in the hotel.A Cuban Five poster.Our primary mode of transport when not in the tour bus: The Coco Taxi.Veradera beachA nice looking gentleman on Veradera beach.Me and my cigarettes on Veradera beach.Church of the Black Madonna in Regla outside of Old Havana.Coffee plantation in Matanzas.A vintage political poster I was dying to get, but it was 200 US dollars.
All photos were taken by the author, no reuse without permission.