Daily Archives: December 2, 2013

3 posts

QOTD: Fifty Years From Now

purplefutureDo you ever turn on one of the rerun channels on TV and gawp at the way things used to be? Shows filmed in the 1960’s and 1970’s have a bevy of corded telephones, stay at home wives and casual racism. Such a wide range of straight white people on the TV back then. Even the degenerate, heroin-addicted criminals on Dragnet look so clean-cut, the men always wearing collared shirts and dress shoes and women in dresses and heels with a big poufy do.

Now let’s say the year is 2063. What about today’s culture (movies, television, pop songs, web videos, Internet memes, lifestyles) do you think will be passe, trite, cliched and past their prime? I have a few guesses. Continue reading