Well, round one is over and the people have decided. Let’s have a moment of silence for the horrible commenters on Craigslist, Twitter, The Blaze, and Huffington Post. You were awful, but not awful enough. Now let’s talk about the winners.
Match #1: YouTube vs. Yelp
YouTube handily won it’s last match against Twitter with a whopping 93% of the vote. No real surprise, their commenters really do suck. This means it will be a tough match for the Yelpers who had a pretty rough game against the Huffington Post’s Fighting Libtards who managed to hold 40% of the votes. Look for a match of brute stupidity against undeserved entitlement.
Match #2: Yahoo News vs. Facebook:
This is a match up between two generations of the web. Yahoo the slow powerhouse who is going a little deaf. Facebook is the young guy at the office that everyone would really love to pop across the mouth. Facebook handily beat down Craigslist garnering 75% of the votes. Yahoo had a slightly tougher time, pulling in 68% of the vote against the perpetually confused commenters over at The Blaze. This match comes down to whether you like your craziness from people you know or from people you don’t know. Either way, America is doomed. Let’s look at a few samples.
Yahoo News:
OK, make your choices. Voting closes at 5 PM EST on Sunday, April 7th.
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