Spring Break, y’all.
“Spring Breakers” is sun tan oil, beer, drugs, and an MTV beach house all rolled into one nice, over-indulgent package. For some, this movie will remind them of their past lives as partying co-eds while others will watch on with their mouths agape like peeping toms given a glimpse into a life that they were never meant to see.
Either way, the film is pleasant and unsettling all at the same time. The camera spends equal time lingering on gyrating hips, breasts, and sun-kissed skin as it does on blood, beer bellies, and methed out faces. It also highlights the trashiness that is Florida with or without the spring breakers that visit once a year.
It is equal parts “Enter The Void” and “Magic Mike” with voiceovers that provide the most subtle hints of foreshadowing. The actors do a great job capturing the lightness of spring break while barely acknowledging the treacherousness that lies beneath. Selena Gomez’s character is the bible beater of the bunch and acts accordingly but the other characters continue to surprise throughout the film. Sure, they don’t have many lines but Ashley Benson and Vanessa Hudgens both prove that they are ready for bigger and better things than just tween movies and tv shows. Also,Rachel Korine makes a lasting impression as the fair weather bad girl. James Franco takes the next evolutionary step up from his character in “Pineapple Express.” He is Alien, a drug-dealer with a heart of gold and mind for mischief, has so many great moments that you almost forget about his sleaziness and want him to succeed.
The film is composed by Cliff Martinez (Drive, Contagion) and Skrillex whose music provides the perfect backdrop to the raucous proceedings. There are even a few random gunshots thrown in for good measure. Another “star” of the film is Britney Spears’ music, some of the most memorable scenes in the movie include her songs “Everytime” and “…Baby, One More Time.” Both are worth the price of admission, alone.
After all the debauchery of the film, the one thing that did surprise me was the ending. It wasn’t that far fetched but definitely changed my thoughts about the whole movie.
Overall, I’d give the film an eight out of ten with a few eye rolls thrown in for good measure.
Image: morgueFile