Like many other Super Bowl viewers, I saw this Lay’s commercial during the course of the game. I was very intrigued at the three new flavors, especially the Chicken & Waffles. I’ve had spicy chips and garlic/parmesan chips before, but never chicken and waffles. When I came across all three flavors in Wal-Mart last weekend, I decided I needed to try Chicken & Waffles.
At first the chip tastes mostly like syrup. It’s not so overly sweet that you’re totally turned off by the flavor. The more chips you eat, the more you can taste the salt. I never really got a full chicken flavor though. I’ve snacked on the chips a few times and I still get mostly a syrup flavor with a subtle hint of salt.
An interesting flavor? Yes, though I’m not sure these would have enough sales to remain on the shelves as a regular flavor. I’m now even more interested in trying the other two flavors. However, I wish that Lay’s would have packaged all three flavors in smaller bags and in one set so I could buy all three at one time and not have three giant bags of chips.
Have you tried any of the new flavors? What are your thoughts?
If you’ve tried a flavor and would like to vote for it as the new Lay’s flavor you can do so on their facebook page.