And they hinted at a possible tour!
We can only imagine what the audience at the Comedy Cellar must have been thinking when not only Dave Chappelle showed up unannounced, but 45 minutes later Chris Rock joined him onstage. Put Louis C.K. in that mix and there probably would’ve been rolling comic orgasms all throughout the club.
According to Comic’s Comic via Vulture, the two discussed things like Seth MacFarlane (Ew) and Jay-Z’s relationship with President Obama (Fun! Kinda stiff, but fun!). And then oddly, strangely, comically, awesomely (?) “Rock texted Jay-Z at 1:30 a.m., asking if he wanted to get spaghetti. When Jay didn’t respond, they left voice mails for Arsenio Hall and Lenny Kravitz.” Um, we can’t even imagine what the response would be to getting a 1:30 am phone call from Chappelle and Rock asking if you wanted to go get spaghetti. A spaghetti date with Jay Z, Arsenio Hall, Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, and Lenny Kravitz — yeah, if it happened, it sounds like the best late night live streaming webisode we’ve ever heard of. This would need a name. A fantastic name. Something like Meatballs and Shot Calls.
The biggest news other than the fact that Chappelle is now clearly making his way back to comedy more and more frequently and assisted by Chris Rock, apparently, is this little commentary shared by both in which they discuss their schedules and the possibility of doing dates.
“Come out to Oakland,” Chappelle told Rock.
“You should come down to West Palm,” Rock replied.
Chappelle: “After next Tuesday, I’m free for like 11 years.”
Rock said he has a new movie of his own he’s going to film later this spring, and would be cutting it over the summer. “I’ve got time between now and the movie,” Rock told Chappelle onstage. “By Halloween, I could do dates.”
Well, wouldn’t that be something?!
Image: Wikimedia