Daily Archives: February 4, 2013

4 posts

Dear Lala: The Apartment Shame Series

OB-girl loftDear Lala,

I really enjoy the photos of beautiful rooms that you share on Crasstalk. As someone who has no natural design ability (as you’ll see from the fact that I still own a butterfly chair; mostly I use it as a receptacle for coats) I find them delightful and inspiring.

It’s pretty typical for old Chicago buildings to be long and narrow as that’s how the property lots run, and my problem is that I am not using half of the space in my small apartment at all (“the dead zone”).  I’d say the main room is 30ish feet long by about 9 feet. Continue reading

Which Hawaiian Island Should I Visit?


You have decided to go to Hawaii. Yay! The tougher decision is, which island? This is a series of posts about Hawaii. In this inaugural post, I will provide a thumbnail sketch of each inhabited island. Over the next couple of months, I will focus on each island separately. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below and I will try to help. Aloha. Continue reading