The Best and Worst Evening Gowns of 2012


It must be nice to live an evening-gown life. Especially if you were uber-uber-rich, and could spend half the year flying from one fashion centre to another, whiling away the days in couture shops. Or, if you were a good enough customer, they’d bring the very latest photos and sketches, even actual dresses, to wherever you were.

“Karl! Dahling! I need something FABULOUS for the Versailles party! … Yes, the one this weekend! …  First fitting day after tomorrow? Oh, I knew you wouldn’t let me down!”

The last (only) time I had evening dresses was university, for the formals. Big white skirt with a little chocolate-brown cashmere halter sweater. Black velvet with a V-neck and a cape on the shoulders. Pink-y grey velvet with long tight sleeves.

The closest a lot of us get to evening gowns is poring over what the Gwyneths and Beyonces and Giselles of the world wear on runways and red carpets.

Care to share your own most-liked and most-disdained from the past year?

Pictured: Miranda Kerr wears Zampatti to a May 2012 event in Australia.  Via Wiki.

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