The Power Is Out. What Do I Do With the Children?

Cross posted from Crassparenting. Please feel free to add booze to make these grownup games. Thanks, BBQ.

Power outages and children at home can quickly lead to panic. I live in Colorado and every once in a while, we get a blizzard that traps us for a few days. The first several hours can be fun, but the novelty wears off FAST.

If the power is out for several days, you will have to come up with something good to avoid a Shining sort of situation. I have some ideas of my own to occupy the kids. I will post options as fast as I can.

I highly recommend The Story Game. I bought some dice that help you write stories. You don’t need the dice, however. We play this game in the car and I haven’t seen the dice in ages. Write down story elements on pieces of paper and have each person draw some elements. Then, the person has to make a story up using the elements. You can add elements. I just made these story elements up off the top of my head based on what would be popular with my three and six-year-old.

Character Object Plot element
Alien Balloon Lost
Cat Underwear Sick
Turtle Airplane Dizzy
Daddy Kool Aid Snoring
Weird relative (I’m sure you have one) Laundry Hurricane
Frogs Toenail clippers Presidential election
Bugs Bag Weird smells
The family pet Socks Butt (this is a key plot element anytime a boy age 5-8 is involved
Annoying kid in school Car Homework


Here are some sample stories you can make up:

  • Daddy lost his telephone right before the presidential election. HE was afraid he wouldn’t know who won but the good news is that it turned up in the laundry along with his toenail clippers.
  • Jeff was getting ready to do his home work but then he noticed a bunch of weird smells. It turned out that the smells were coming from the dog’s butt because the dog had eaten an entire box of raw eggs when no one was looking.

Usually, to get this game, going, my husband and I have to start it. We make the stories as outlandish as possible to get the most giggles for our time.

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