Who Should Be Having the Best Week Ever? Every Chicken Joint that’s Not Chick-fil-A

Since former Arkansas Governor and Baptist minister, Mike “Chicken Huckster” Huckabee, declared today national “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” which resulted in anti-gay chicken cavorters coming out in droves to participate, what should the rest of the breaded chicken sandwich manufacturing community do in response?

Well, certainly the heads of such establishments as say, Popeyes, Wendy’s or KFC, could think it’s a good idea to plan a little chicken craving promotion of their own, eh? How have they not thought of this yet? Not that we’re strictly endorsing everyone start sucking down outrageous calories, but let’s be honest. Why aren’t the other places that sell a decent (possibly debatable) chicken sandwich taking advantage of the collective scorn for the aforementioned leader in chicken wheeling and dealing? Most of these places have lived in Chick-fil-A’s shadow for years! Years! Some have even secretly tried to come up with some sort of similar recipe that could compete with the chicken giant.

Nope. Forget about it. Failures all of them. Yet, now, yes, now is their collective chance.

Is it possible that we could see some sort of pro-gay fast food push in the near future? Maybe. However, it may be hard for fast food giant McDonalds — who desperately attempted to recreate the Chick-Fil-A sandwich with their bogus Southern Style Chicken Sandwich — to get on the love train, since they withdrew their support for gay-marriage after tangling with the American Family Association (AFA)citing:

“It is our policy to not be involved in political and social issues,” McDonald’s said in an e-mail to its franchise owners. “McDonald’s remains neutral on same sex marriage or any ‘homosexual agenda’ as defined by the American Family Association.”

Could other fast food sellers also see the gamble as too risky, or will they jump at the chance to take advantage of the Chick-fil-A controversy which is expanding into a sort of Tea-Party touchstone drawing out such stars as Sarah Palin of all people, and see the earning potential in coming out for equality?

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