Super Squats Challenge

Welcome to week two of our jump lunges challenge. We are still on however many you can do in 30 seconds. As you may have noticed as you performed this exercise, it is 1) difficult to keep your balance, and 2) your knees may not like you very much. That’s why keeping your form is much more important than anything else so you can continue on the challenge.

Here’s another demonstration of how to perform the exercise:

Tips for balance: rather than hold your arms close to your body, or swinging them like shown in the video, try keeping your arms straight out to your sides at shoulder height. Also be sure that you are holding your abs tight, as that also helps keep you centered.

As for those knees, in order to ensure that you are not extending your knees over your ankle (and stressing the knee), try to do your set in the mirror so that you can check your form. Do it on the profile so that you can be sure of your knee position. Go slowly, so that you aren’t putting too much force on your knees as you switch positions.

The goal is to do this exercise for 30 seconds, 2-3 times in the next week.

PRO TIP: There are free stopwatch apps for iPhones (and probably Droids or Androids, or whatever they are called) to help you track your time.

Here is Alex Morgan from the US women’s soccer team for your inspiration.

**If you have any kind of back or knee injury, consult a physician, physical therapist or trainer before trying this exercise**

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