There Are Full Grown Men Who Love My Little Pony-This is Their Christmas

Making ComicCon nerds look sexy since 2010

So there is ComicCon and now there is “BronyCon.”  “Bronies” are men who adore the television cartoon My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This summer’s convention, was held this weekend at The Meadowlands Expo Center in Secaucus NJ. Get this: It was SOLD OUT with 4,000 attendees, according to BronyCon’s Facebook page. Males who are Bronies are also referred to as ‘gentlecolts.’

Costumes are common at BronyCom and there are a list of guidelines which include strict decency and appropriateness rules along with weapons restrictions. Who knew My Little Pony had weapons?

A quick Google search brought up plenty of laughter for me this morning. Apparently, the very popular heavy metal band “NeighSlayer” brought down the house. Here they are from this past September’s BroNYCon singing their crowd pleasing hit, Lower the Moon.


According to HuffPo, there were cheers of “P-O-N-I-E-S! What does that spell? Ponies?” After which I promptly thought:  OMG! Ponies! Additionally, there were academic panels (?) and over 100  fan and MLP vendors on hand for the bronies to fork over their parents’ hard-earned money to purchase memorabilia.

While primarily a sausagefest, remarkably there are some female bronies too. They are referred to as Pegasisters.

I’m trying to figure out if Bronies are just trying to be ironic or if there is something else at play here.  “I’ve discovered that there’s nothing to be ashamed of being a Brony,” said an ADULT James Penna of Long Island. “People are into what they’re into.”


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