Blind Items

Situations are critical.

1) “If you called up your boss and said , “I have a health issue, so I won’t be in to work for the next month”, would your company keep paying you with no questions asked? Would they hold your job open for you indefinitely?

When someone who is actively working in Hollywood mysteriously disappears for a month, it means one of three things: Pregnancy. Plastic Surgery. R*hab. When the same thing happens to an active politician, it’s always the third. And in this case, it’s someone who wants to legalize drugs. Oh, the irony!” [Blind Gossip]

2) “Which hated Real Housewife has been cheating on her husband of more than 10 years with multiple guys? A source tells Star, “She and her husband cheat on each other. He can’t leave her, and she wants to stay married for the security for her large family.” [Star Magazine via Blind Gossip]

3) “Which country singer – who’s had a tumultuous relationship with her duet partner over the years – recently married a man who she stole from her best friend? The singer’s new hubby is not only a serial cheater, he was also verbally and physically abusive to his ex-wife!” [National Enquirer]

4) “Which comedic actor in his early 40s – who plays a gay man on an award-winning sitcom – desperately wants to have a baby with his live-in girlfriend because he’s afraid of being an old dad? The guy has even given her an ultimatum: Get   year – or get out!” [National Enquirer]

5) “Which Oscar-nominated blowhard bristled when his lowbrow movie comedy was called “silly” by a reporter and became downright outraged when the same writer compared it to an Eddie Murphy film? (In actuality, even Norbit looked like Downton Abbey compared to parts of this flick.” [Village Voice]

6) “Which ex-boy-bander picked up a guy who was thrilled about it until the next morning because, as the guy relates: “He was singing show tunes in my shower! I just wanted him to fucking leave!”?” [Village Voice]

7) “Which star recently played an evil character, only to have those who know her—as opposed to her image—squeal, “Perfect casting”?” [Village Voice]

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