Blind Items

So yesterday, so yesterday. I’m like bird that’s already flown away?

1) “One of the main actors from the latest “Avengers” film is so in to his character right now, he’s been buying up fan art online. He doesn’t display it in house, but keeps it in a room and shows it to close friends. He seems to be proud of his growing collection, and we do mean growing!” [Buzz Foto]

2) “In the late 00?s, his face was starting to sag and lose its elasticity. His face pretty much fluttered in the breeze as he ran. He had lines around his eyes and bags under them.

Now, frankly, this is not a big deal. All faces age. Really! But this ego maniacal liar wants you to believe that he is no mere mortal, and that his looks are all natural because he lives such an extraordinary life. That’s right, People! He’s not like you! He works hard to stay young! He has never had plastic surgery and never will! Or so he claims.

Here’s the truth: He had a nose job when he was in his teens (he had the bridge thinned out). He had his teeth completely redone (although we wouldn’t include teeth in the plastic surgery category). He had his eyeballs replaced. He had a mid-section face lift and lower blepharoplasty (eye job) around 2009. He is currently holding off on upper eye work (because that would drastically change his look). Now he just has regular injections of Botox and Restylane to freeze things up and plump them out. Hey, it’s good work, he doesn’t look “done”, and his face settled in nicely six months after the plastic surgery. But it’s still plastic surgery. And he is still a liar.” [Blind Gossip]

3) “With all the casting couch and horror stories about what can happen to actors and actresses as they try to make it in the business, I thought I would tell you about the actress who got even for every guy that put her in a casting couch position or was an a-hole to her when coming on to her. Our actress is A list. Actually she is A+ list. Probably going to make it too easy, because there are not that many out there.

Anyway, when she first started out as an actress there was this producer who said he could get her a part if she slept with him. She did and got the role, but not the one he promised. Later, when she became very well known, our actress would send photos of herself to his house and to his office with the message F**k you! written across them.
In another very early movie in her career, our actress was propositioned by an actor, who at the time was still a big deal. I mean like A list television big deal. A guy who had been married to one of the most famous women on the planet big deal. He was divorced at the time but about to get married to another woman. He failed to tell this to our actress and the pair began dating on set. He of course got what he wanted and dumped her and our actress got her revenge when this actor got signed to direct a movie and was going to be paid a fortune. Our actress heard about it and signed on to the movie but said she would not do it with this man as the director. He got fired and she did the movie. Again, she also sent a note from the set which said, “Wish you were here.”
One of my favorites though has to be when she was cast to do this awful movie. On the set she met this guy who is still a very solid B list actor and has been married to someone very famous. Anyway, the two started dating and he kept saying she was the only one in his life and that he only wanted her. She heard this before from others so took awhile to warm up to the guy, but she did. Well, one night she goes over to his place expecting them to be alone and the guy is in bed with another man and woman and got really upset when our actress did not want to join in. As in really upset and screaming and yelling at her and calling her worthless and so much more. The guy was out of control. Our actress finally walked out. What our actress still does to this day is send the guy flowers and a card whenever a show of his gets canceled or a pilot not picked up which says, “Who is worthless now?”” [CDAN]

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