QOTD: What’s the Dumbest Thing You’ve Ever Gotten in Trouble for?

Reddit today has a popular post where users share the dumbest things that have gotten them in hot water with various authority figures. Note that “dumb” here can carry a double meaning – the infraction in question can be so trivial or harmless that the idea of someone bothering to discipline you for it is absurd, or it can be a genuinely stupid act on your part that you totally deserved to be in trouble for (but is still funny regardless).

Since Crasstalk readers are generally such an upstanding bunch, you may need some examples to jog your memory. I’ll start:

In third grade, my friends and I had just recently discovered the trick where you put your hand down your pants and stick your finger out of the zipper to make it look like you have your dong out. For reasons now irrevocably lost to the mists of time, we suddenly decided to demonstrate this trick during lunch one day by standing up at our table, assuming the described position, and proceeding to sway from side to side while performing an impromptu “rap”. If I concentrate really hard, I can recall that this went something like: “We are the killer penises, and we’ve come to say…” (which I’m pretty sure is what all hip hop sounded like in the 1990s). That was as far as we got before the horrified first-grade teacher ran over to our table and forced us to sit back down by pointing repeatedly at each of us while yelling “No! NO!” In retrospect, it might be a good thing she stopped us, because I really had no idea what we had “come to say”.

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