One Gawker commenter is really pissed off, guys, and they’ve decided to get really weird with it.
I can’t argue with this person’s complaint about their shitty new format, but they lost me at “your arrogant attitude towards those of us who take the time to respond to your shitty articles.” Based on the quality of comments I’ve seen over there lately, I don’t think they’re taking enough time to respond.
I also can’t argue with this person decrying Gawker’s cessation of blind items. Blind items are awesome! I almost want to tell them that we do that here (and daily, at that!) but I’m scared that this amberbb8 will want to stick around. I will give them credit for their dedication to being a jerk to A.J., though one can’t help but imagine A.J. rubbing his palms together and cackling maniacally at the wailing of pillaged Gawker villagers.