1) There’s another long one at CDAN today. This A-List actress took down all kinds of people to get where she is today. Casting couch couplings, boyfriend backstabbing, and racist rants. She also put a serious dent in the career of her main rival for roles. She wanted to be everyone’s sweetheart but she is anything but. Get the full post at CDAN.
2) This actress with A-List name recognition used to be a headliner but soon the roles stopped. To make money, she started making the rounds by hiring herself out to whomever would pay.
She was also into a lot of drugs and had a heart attack about 18 months ago on a yacht in Europe. This scare has gotten her to turn her life around. While she is still not able to give up drugs for good, she has completed a role in a small indie film, had a guest spot on a popular show, and even got cast in a big feature film. Maybe things are looking up for this actress? Once again, go read the full post at CDAN.
3) Both are acclaimed actors. One’s an actor you find super cute. He’s popular and adorable, like dimples and old fashioned dresses. The other’s an actor I find super gross. And dramatic. And full of his own sh-t. He fronts like he’s dark. He’s difficult. The work is often beneath him. The work is often taken away from him because the attitude that it is beneath him is so often intolerable The two had a torrid affair. Which is nothing unusual, of course not. Except that dimples broke up with drama and drama practically had a psychotic break. There was a month-long spiral. A couple of times he came close to really hurting himself. He also threatened to expose them both, though no one is taking that seriously. As a result, his heartbreaker is trying, ignorantly, to go back to the other side of his bisexuality. [Lainey Gossip]
4) This very popular East Coast comedian was photographed heading into a local soup kitchen in NY to do some service last week. When he saw the photographer, he offered to pay him for the photos because he didn’t want to publicize his work at the shelter. He claims that if it gets out in the press, he wouldn’t be able to serve his community as freely. The photographer agreed to delete the photos and the comedian’s secret is safe. 634 [Blind Gossip]