And now it’s time for a special announcement from TS.!
A date will not be assigned for CDCT until we have at least 10 posts written and ready for editing. This means:
1) If you want to write something for CDCT, please e-mail me (tscrasstalk AT and copy GI (crasstalk AT with your post idea – I want to make sure that we don’t have (too much) overlap;
2) When you are writing something, make sure to put CDCT in the title line so that our hard-working editors know that the post is for CDCT, and not something to go into the general schedule;
3) E-mail me when your post is put in pending, so I know where we are at in terms of number of posts; and
4) WRITE ALL THE THINGS, EH! We can’t have CDCT until you do. This includes my fellow Canadian crassholes, and all you assorted others with something to say about Canada. Gross over-generalizations welcome.
Untz untz untz
Image via WilWheaton’s flickr